

  • 教程大小:2.15GB
  • 教程语言:中文
  • 更新时间:06/04
  • 文件格式:TS
  • 教程类别:英语
  • 视频质量:高清
  • 所需积分:10 分 (注册送积分)
  • 推荐指数:教程推荐星级
  • 来  源:网友上传
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 通道一 : 百度网盘  新手?不会下载看这里




01六年级英语上册Unit 1 It’s time to play the violin. Part A(语法) .ts
02六年级英语上册Unit 1 It’s time to play the violin. Part A (2) .ts
04六年级英语上册Unit 2 I’m healthy. Part A .ts
05六年级英语上册Unit 2 I’m healthy. Part B .ts
06六年级英语上册Unit 2 I’m healthy. Part C .ts
07六年级英语上册Unit 3 Care for the earth. PartA .ts
08六年级英语上册Unit 3 Care for the earth. PartB .ts
09六年级英语上册Unit 3 Care for the earth. PartB PartC .ts
10六年级英语上册 Unit 4 Let’s Go on a Picnic Part A .ts
11六年级英语上册 Unit 4 Let’s Go on a Picnic Part B .ts
12六年级英语上册 Unit 4 Let’s Go on a Picnic Part C .ts
13六年级英语上册 Revision 1 .ts
14六年级英语上册 Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part A .ts
15六年级英语上册 Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part B .ts
16六年级英语上册 Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part C .ts
17六年级英语上册 Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend? (1) .ts
18六年级英语上册 Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend? (2) .ts
19六年级英语上册 Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend? (3) .ts
20六年级英语上册 Unit 7 I Had a Good Time(1) .ts
21六年级英语上册 Unit 7 I Had a Good Time(2) .ts
22六年级英语上册 Unit 7 I Had a Good Time(3) .ts
23六年级英语上册 Unit 8 New Year's Party Part A .ts
24六年级英语上册 Unit 8 New Year's Party Part B .ts
26六年级英语上册 Revision 2 .ts


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